Jun 22Liked by Cameron D. Brooks

The last sentence captures it perfectly — our reliance on AI for writing robs us of the very essence of the practice itself. It strips the fibers of creative thought and replaces it with an algorithmic string of words that don’t have any pulse.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Cameron D. Brooks

The heart and soul of a human writer can never be replaced by a bot. In a way it’s similar to a human voice which has a living organic quality…irreplaceable.

C.S. Lewis wrote in ‘Perelandra’, an interesting juxtaposition of a human voice versus that of non-human angel voice. The human voice has a distinctive quality of warmth derived from lungs and air, whereas the angel’s voice was more akin to a musical instrument.

As your title says, ‘Artificial’ Intelligence, not real, not natural. Artificial is sometimes a replacement for the real thing, only compare margarine to butter, and we see that it may be close, but cannot equal the natural God given thing. In fact, it’s really a poor substitute. It’s not healthy!

I believe we can extrapolate the who artificial premise back to the origin of artificiality - satan. As a liar and the father of lies, he has perfected the practice of taking God’s good creation, twisting it, and making it into something unnatural, artificial if you will. Think of the first lie…”did God really say that?”

Well, yes, he did say that but mankind has been falling for lies ever since. Which is why we cling ever more closely to the only Truth we know…Jesus.

No…God created humanity in His own image; we will not be replaced by anything non human.

Well written piece and great picture!

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You're not the first I've heard to relate the A.I. conversation back to Lewis's Space Trilogy. He was up to more than science fiction!

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Really enjoyed your thoughts in this piece. I share your concern that there’s a fundamental difference between AI and other forms of technology. Sadly, some are perfectly fine with jettisoning our humanity. The transhumanism movement has generated a lot more momentum in recent years than I ever thought it would.

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Thanks, Drew. I failed to use the word "transhumanism" in this piece, but you're right to mention it. Brings to mind something Wendell Berry once wrote: "It is easy for me to imagine that the next great division of the world will be between people who wish to live as creatures and people who wish to live as machines."

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Wow, I think that’s spot on too. Do you think we’re on an inevitable collision course with AI or do you think people will begin to share our same concerns?

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I suspect algorithmic AI will become as ubiquitous as the internet. The economic incentives are simply too great, the arguments from "efficiency" too appealing. There's no stopping it. Which is why the Berry quote hits home for me.

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